jenna's blog

Radical Reference and Interactivist Networks unite

Radical Reference and Interactivist Network are now united not just by their mutual political goals, but by marriage. On Sunday, November 20, 2005, Jenna Freedman (that's me) of Rad Ref and Eric Goldhagen of Interactivist made the big commitment in front of 200 friends and family members. Check out our geeky wedding website.

Annotations -- Alternative Press Center

I'm excited to see that Annotations: the Alternative Press Center's Guide to the Independent Critical Press is now available from, the same folks who distribute the Reading is Sexy gear.

Advice for New Librarians

I thought this was the funniest e-mail when it came through on the Library Underground list on March 10, 2004. Every once in a while something reminds me to look for it again. Somehow it's only posted on two other Internet sites, so I thought I'd add it here.


For new librarians in public libraries, some career advice from a bunch of veterans sitting around having one too many beers. Thank goodness one of us was sober enough to take notes! This message may be freely disseminated provided it remains intact and no one dishonestly claims authorship. The authors are anonymous and intend to stay that way.

NOLA zine and infoshop community

forwarded to Anarchist Librarians and Zine Librarians discussion lists: NOLA Bookfair and beyond

fact checking for bitches

There's an article about fact checking by a veteran verifier in Bitch magazine.

Aleine DeGraw. "Fact Fiction: Making the Truth Work for Women's Magazines." Summer 2005: 31-33.

internship ideas

LIS Students--how about an internship/fieldwork with Radical Reference?

The NYC collective brainstormed ideas for possible library school internships and came up with

  • answer quality control

NYC collective meeting July 8, 2005

The meeting was held in the Computer Center at ABC No Rio.

Present: Andrew, Gabe, Jenna, Jonny (plus a significant other or two and some No Rio regulars passing through occasionally: a four year old, her father, and her loud caregiver).

ALA Council Calls for Withdrawal from Iraq

From Library Journal:

The Council of the American Library Association (ALA) has passed a resolution that calls for the withdrawal from Iraq of all U.S. military forces and a return of full sovereignty to the people of Iraq. The resolution passed June 29 during the annual conference of ALA in Chicago. The resolution further urges the U.S. government to switch its budgetary priorities from the occupation of Iraq to the improved support of vital domestic programs and calls upon the government to provide material assistance through the United Nations for the reconstruction of Iraq, including its museums, libraries, schools, and other cultural institutions. The resolution will be sent to all members of Congress, the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, President, and the press. The Council is the governing body of ALA and determines all policies for the association.

Counterpunch link of the weekend

Thanks to ChuckO for noticing that Radical Reference is the Counterpunch link of the weekend. Happy In

Bloomberg & Smulka's War on Bikes

On Sunday my friend Susan and I cut through Union Square Park on our bicycles. It was a beautiful almost too joy filled day on the first gorgeous weekend of the year. It was great to be on bikes, until...near the east end of the park a woman stood in my way, not saying anything, just looking at me like I should know what was up. She asked if we knew that it was illegal to ride a bike in the park. We didn't. Didn't we see the signs? No.

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